Experienced And Hard-Working Workers’ Compensation Attorneys
We help injured workers across Minnesota navigate workers’ compensation claims and Social Security Disability application processes. We customize our approach to each person’s unique set of circumstances and concerns.
We are committed to delivering the high-caliber legal services you are looking for after you have suffered an injury on the job. We are ready to respond and help you no matter where you are in Minnesota. We conduct business statewide in face-to-face meetings, by phone and digital communications, and through video conferences. Our offices are conveniently located in Brainerd, Edina and St. Cloud.
Industrial And Construction Workers Face Unique Workers’ Comp Challenges
As a worker in the construction and industrial industries, you face a variety of risks daily. These risks can range from minor injuries to life-threatening incidents that can have long-lasting effects on your health and well-being. Some of the most common injuries we deal with include falls from heights, being struck by falling objects and being caught between machinery or equipment. In addition, exposure to hazardous chemicals, loud noise and repetitive motions can also lead to chronic health problems.
The nature of construction work means that you are constantly exposed to dangerous conditions that can put your safety at risk. For example, you may work in confined spaces, operate heavy machinery or handle hazardous materials. Additionally, you may work in environments where weather conditions or poor lighting can make it difficult to see potential hazards.
You can be injured on the job in many ways and must take steps to protect yourself. This can include wearing appropriate safety gear, such as hard hats, safety glasses and gloves, and following proper safety procedures when operating machinery or working in hazardous areas. It is also important to report any safety concerns or hazards to your supervisors so that they can address the situation before it causes harm to you or your coworkers.
Our Workers’ Comp Attorneys Help You At Every Legal Step
You may have been injured as an industrial worker, truck driver, construction worker health care professional or white collar worker in the Twin Cities or elsewhere in Minnesota. You may benefit from a workers’ comp lawyer’s help regarding:
- Your initial workers’ compensation claim
- Your right to see a doctor of your choosing
- Payment for death dependency claims
- Payment for permanent partial disability (PPD) compensation for functional loss of use or impairment of function as a result of the injury
- Delays or cessation of benefits that should be rightfully yours
- Workers’ comp appeals for a denied claim or undervalued claim
- Payments for permanent total disabilities (PTD): these are wage loss benefits paid when you are unable to return to gainful employment due to your injuries
- Wage loss benefits for temporary total and partial disabilities (TTDs and TPDs)
- Employment law issues related to your necessary time off work for healing
From filing an initial claim to appealing a denied claim, an injured worker may need advice and assistance at any point along the way. For more than 30 years, our firm has existed to protect injured workers’ rights and help them find relief.
Don’t wait. Get a Free And Confidential Case Consultation Today.
We believe in empowering our clients. That’s why when you meet with an attorney at our firm, he/she will take the time to answer your questions, explain the workers’ compensation system, outline the benefits you are entitled to and advise on the expected progression of your claim. With workers’ compensation, there are many processes and procedures that need to be closely followed in order to achieve maximum compensation. Taking the wrong step can jeopardize your claim for compensation. That’s why it’s important to have an attorney fighting on your side to help you navigate each step of your claim.
We are working for you, so our meeting will be confidential and sensitive information will not be shared with your employer. In our first meeting we will answer any questions you have about the future of your claim and your livelihood. If we take on your case it will be on a contingency-fee-basis, which means you pay no money unless we recover a settlement. If your injuries result in disability, which prevent you from returning to work, we will also assist you with your social security disability case.
Learn how we can lighten your load as you pursue all benefits you are eligible for. Schedule your free, no obligation case review today. Don’t delay, call us at 952-209-9018 or 320-407-1671 or complete our online inquiry form.