Minnesota workers’ compensation attorneys serving the injured and disabled throughout Minnesota with offices in St. Cloud, Edina and Brainerd.

Minnesota Workers’ Compensation Attorneys

Should you call an attorney for your workers’ compensation claim?

On Behalf of | Nov 22, 2022 | Workers' Compensation

Some workers’ compensation claims are straightforward and easy to settle. Those injured parties typically find themselves back at work after a brief recovery period. Sometimes it is not that simple. In fact, there are some instances when you might want to talk with an attorney before you proceed any further with your workers’ compensation claim.

An attorney can help you address certain common mistakes.

Was there a delay in reporting your claim?

You should report a workers’ compensation claim right away when the injury occurs. This eliminates any implication that the injury happened elsewhere. However, you may find yourself facing delayed reporting because you did not think the injury was as bad as it turned out to be. Sometimes it takes a day or two for symptoms to fully appear. If you delayed your claim, it is beneficial to have legal support to help defend your rights.

Do you disagree with the doctor’s assessment?

Part of a workers’ compensation claim includes an evaluation by an independent medical professional. If you disagree with the doctor’s assessment or have sought a second opinion that differs, you should seek legal support to navigate the dispute.

Workers’ compensation claims can be difficult to process, especially while you try to focus on recovering from your injury. Preserve your financial security by working with an attorney to process your claim, especially if you are facing one of these situations. The insurance company can communicate directly with your attorney so that you can focus on rest and recovery.
