Receiving a denial for a workers' compensation claim can be a significant setback, especially when you are relying on those benefits to cover medical bills and lost wages due to a workplace injury. However, it is important to understand that a denial is not the end of...
Workers’ Compensation
What are workers’ compensation work restrictions?
According to the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry, about 22,200 workers in the state collected benefits under workers' compensation in 2019. When you find yourself on workers' compensation, it is important to understand your doctor may give you medical...
If I suffer a work injury, will I receive pay?
In 2021, the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry reported paying $1.62 billion in benefits to injured workers in the state. If you suffer an injury on the job, you may have the right to seek lost wages benefits, but there are guidelines and rules that determine...
Can posting on social media affect my workers’ compensation case?
You likely already know that your workers' compensation benefits are a resource available to you when you suffer a work-related injury. Once you file your claim, you might feel that you can simply focus on recovering and even spend some extra free time on social media...
What are overuse injuries?
No matter what field a person works in, they are at potential risk of overuse injuries. But what are these injuries? More importantly, what sort of impact do they have on the workers that suffer from them? Repetitive motion problems Mayo Clinic takes a dive into...
3 common types of workplace injuries
While every job has its own potential risk, workplace injuries big and small happen across the board. The U.S. Department of Labor reported that 2.6 million people sustained nonfatal injuries at work in 2021. When that injury makes it difficult to work, people rely on...
What is the waiting period for workers’ compensation benefits?
If you suffer an injury on the job, you will usually be able to collect benefits from workers' compensation. Medical benefits will typically begin immediately. But the same is not true for lost wage benefits. There is a waiting period for payments from workers'...
What causes complex regional pain syndrome?
Complex regional pain syndrome is a condition of chronic pain. Physicians are still discovering much about the ailment and its causes. However, CRPS tends to occur in various circumstances and may result from the action or negligence of another person. What are the...
Should you call an attorney for your workers’ compensation claim?
Some workers’ compensation claims are straightforward and easy to settle. Those injured parties typically find themselves back at work after a brief recovery period. Sometimes it is not that simple. In fact, there are some instances when you might want to talk with an...
The construction industry and fall accidents
Working in construction comes with quite a few risks that are not present at other jobs or in other industries. This includes an increased chance in fall injuries, and specifically fall injuries from ladders at significant heights. The hazard of slips, trips and falls...