You likely already know that your workers’ compensation benefits are a resource available to you when you suffer a work-related injury. Once you file your claim, you might feel that you can simply focus on recovering and even spend some extra free time on social media until the insurance company pays out your settlement.
The Department of Labor explains that workers’ compensation benefits may include wage replacement, medical treatment coverage and vocational rehabilitation. If the insurance company finds a way to use your social media posts against you, however, you might find yourself in a situation in which you receive none of these benefits.
How can social media affect my claim?
Your workers’ compensation benefits ensure that you receive compensation so long as the nature of your injury aligns with the terms outlined by the insurance company. If the insurer can provide evidence that the circumstances of your injury are different from what you claim, or that you are acting against a doctor’s instructions, they may have the right to deny you coverage. Posts or photos on social media can indicate that your claim is invalid.
How can I protect my workers’ compensation claim?
It can be a good idea to leave social media or reduce social media use during your workers’ compensation case. Keep in mind that not only can the insurance company use your posts against you, but also posts from your friends and family members.
Posting on social media can absolutely affect your workers’ compensation case if your timeline indicates that your injury is less severe than what you claim makes it out to be. If the insurance company attempts to use social media evidence against you, it may be necessary to take additional legal action in protecting your claim.