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5 tips for gathering medical evidence to support your SSDI claim

On Behalf of | Mar 26, 2024 | Social Security Disability

Applying for Social Security Disability Insurance can be daunting. However, SSDI may be necessary for your support.

Having strong medical evidence to support your claim can significantly increase your chances of success.

1. Consult with your health care providers

Schedule appointments with your doctors and specialists to discuss your disability and the impact it has on your daily life. Be open and honest about your symptoms, limitations and how they affect your ability to work. Ask your health care providers for detailed medical records, including test results, treatment plans and any documentation of your condition’s progression over time.

Ask your doctors to provide written statements detailing your diagnosis, prognosis, and how your disability affects your ability to work. These statements should include specific examples of how your condition impacts your daily activities, work-related tasks, and ability to sustain gainful employment.

Maintain open communication with your providers throughout the SSDI application process. Inform them of any updates or changes in your condition. Continue to request documentation as needed to support your claim.

2. Keep detailed records

Maintain a thorough record of all medical appointments, treatments, medications and symptoms related to your disability. Keep track of dates, names of health care providers and any changes in your condition.

3. Follow treatment plans

Follow your health care provider’s recommended treatment plans and attend all appointments. Failure to comply with medical advice can weaken your SSDI claim. Keep records of your adherence to treatment, including medication schedules, therapy sessions and rehabilitation exercises.

4. Seek objective medical evidence

Gather objective medical evidence such as diagnostic imaging, laboratory test results and specialist evaluations. These objective findings can provide further support for your SSDI claim and strengthen your case.

5. Consider functional assessments

Your disability may affect your physical or mental functioning. Consider functional assessments or evaluations. These assessments measure your ability to perform various tasks related to work and daily living activities.

Building a strong case for your SSDI claim requires diligent effort and attention to detail.
